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The Five Castles of the Fair Kingdom

David Fairbairn

Five siblings each rule their own castle in a divided kingdom, but must unite to defeat an enemy army and save the realm.

Book Information

Expected Release*:


David Fairbairn

Hardback ISBN:


Paperback ISBN:


eBook ISBN:


Age Rage:

3 - 6




A prosperous kingdom was once ruled by a Queen with two sons and three daughters. But when the old Queen's time came, the siblings were torn on who would lead the kingdom. So, each sibling built their own castle, and ruled according to their own interests, leading to bickering, fighting and suffering throughout the land. When an invading army attacks the five castles must learn how to stand together to save all they hold dear.

*Publication dates and cover designs are subject to change.

About the Author

David Fairbairn

David Fairbairn is a vegan runner, though he tries not to make this his whole personality. He enjoys a mix of activities, from writing unperformed musicals—like Vegan: The Musical... The Musical That's Better Than You and Knows It—to hiking, which inspires much of his writing. His day job in IT leaves plenty of room for his mind to wander, and wander it does—into stories of adventure and fun.

David mainly writes children's books. His first book, The Duck Bread Baker, was published in 2022. He then wrote his first novel, The Legend of the Stormrider, the start of a series for young adults. His love for stories comes from his own adventures, both real and imagined. He's always working on something new and exciting.

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